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34th World Junior (U-20) Girls Chess Championship 2016

Last update 21.08.2016 13:07:39, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

Player overview for UZB

22Yakubboev Nodirbek2431UZB0000000000000080100,00Open
4WIMTokhirjonova Gulrukhbegim2328UZB0½1½11011½0½072120-39,20Girls

Results of the last round for UZB

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
134122Yakubboev NodirbekUZB24310 0 not paired 
1377WIMStyazhkina AnnaRUS23157 1 - 07 WIMTokhirjonova GulrukhbegimUZB23284

Player details for UZB

Yakubboev Nodirbek 2431 UZB Pts. 0
162Barath Kalyan M2197IND5- 0K
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
10-not paired- --- 0
11-not paired- --- 0
12-not paired- --- 0
13-not paired- --- 0
WIM Tokhirjonova Gulrukhbegim 2328 UZB Rp:2206 Pts. 7
132WIMMonnisha G K2101IND6,5w 00,79-0,7920-15,80
242Bala Kannamma P2039IND7s ½0,84-0,3420-6,80
343Hoare Amy B2017ENG5,5w 10,860,14202,80
434WCMSapale Saloni2080IND5s ½0,81-0,3120-6,20
530WFMSrija Seshadri2102IND5,5w 10,790,21204,20
616WIMEswaran Ashritha2226USA4,5s 10,640,36207,20
724WIMNandhidhaa Pv2151IND9s 00,73-0,7320-14,60
827WFMIvanova Karina2129RUS7,5w 10,760,24204,80
922Harshita Guddanti2180IND6,5s 10,700,30206,00
101WGMSaduakassova Dinara2423KAZ9,5w ½0,370,13202,60
118WIMDordzhieva Dinara2304RUS9s 00,53-0,5320-10,60
1214WIMGu Tianlu2239CHN7,5w ½0,62-0,1220-2,40
137WIMStyazhkina Anna2315RUS8s 00,52-0,5220-10,40