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34th World Junior (U-20) Girls Chess Championship 2016

Last update 21.08.2016 13:07:39, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

Player overview for SRB

51FMIvic Velimir2270SRB0101½1½0½0½½05,56020-5,80Open
13WFMInjac Teodora2252SRB01110½1½½½½½072040-74,00Girls

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
132951FMIvic VelimirSRB2270 0 - 1 Rahul Srivatshav PIND228049
13813WFMInjac TeodoraSRB22527 0 - 17 WIMMahalakshmi MIND210131

Player details for SRB

FM Ivic Velimir 2270 SRB Rp:2234 Pts. 5,5
111GMKarthikeyan Murali2514IND8,5s 00,20-0,2020-4,00
278Hsu Chuan-Chia1777TPE2,5w 10,920,08201,60
325IMMenezes Christoph2408AUT7,5s 00,31-0,3120-6,20
476Dassanayake D M G S1859SRI5,5w 10,920,08201,60
533Pirverdiyev Agil2364AZE7s ½0,370,13202,60
627FMMartins David Pires Tavares2402POR7,5w 10,320,682013,60
734FMNihal Sarin2358IND6,5s ½0,380,12202,40
819Beradze Irakli2440GEO7w 00,28-0,2820-5,60
944FMRydstrom Tom2315SWE6,5s ½0,440,06201,20
1031Yuan Qingyu2366CHN7,5s 00,37-0,3720-7,40
1140FMGheorghiu Calin2343ROU6w ½0,400,10202,00
1235FMTran Minh Thang2353VIE5,5s ½0,390,11202,20
1349Rahul Srivatshav P2280IND6,5w 00,49-0,4920-9,80
WFM Injac Teodora 2252 SRB Rp:2133 Pts. 7
141Priyanka K2048IND7,5s 00,76-0,7640-30,40
243Hoare Amy B2017ENG5,5w 10,790,21408,40
337WFMVisanescu Daria-Ioana2067ROU6s 10,740,264010,40
452Divya Lakshmi R1864IND5,5w 10,910,09403,60
52WIMBivol Alina2362RUS8s 00,35-0,3540-14,00
618WIMParnali S Dharia2203IND8,5w ½0,57-0,0740-2,80
733WFMLasya.G2084IND7s 10,720,284011,20
810WIMVaishali R2284IND8,5w ½0,460,04401,60
926WCMSalonika Saina2131IND6,5s ½0,66-0,1640-6,40
1020WFMAlinasab Mobina2199IRI7,5w ½0,57-0,0740-2,80
1142Bala Kannamma P2039IND7s ½0,77-0,2740-10,80
1248Du Yuxin1957CHN8s ½0,85-0,3540-14,00
1331WIMMahalakshmi M2101IND8w 00,70-0,7040-28,00