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34th World Junior (U-20) Girls Chess Championship 2016

Last update 21.08.2016 13:07:39, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

Player overview for COL

5IMRodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea2321COL½11011011½10½8,54205,00Girls

Results of the last round for COL

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
13417WIMMichelle Catherina PIND2205 ½ - ½8 IMRodriguez Rueda Paula AndreaCOL23215

Player details for COL

IM Rodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea 2321 COL Rp:2325 Pts. 8,5
133WFMLasya.G2084IND7s ½0,80-0,3020-6,00
239WFMGomez Barrera Javiera Belen2055CHI7,5w 10,820,18203,60
331WIMMahalakshmi M2101IND8s 10,780,22204,40
424WIMNandhidhaa Pv2151IND9w 00,72-0,7220-14,40
536Soyunlu Narmin2074AZE6,5s 10,810,19203,80
610WIMVaishali R2284IND8,5w 10,550,45209,00
78WIMDordzhieva Dinara2304RUS9s 00,52-0,5220-10,40
820WFMAlinasab Mobina2199IRI7,5w 10,670,33206,60
911WIMBlagojevic Tijana2267MNE6,5s 10,580,42208,40
102WIMBivol Alina2362RUS8s ½0,440,06201,20
119WIMFrayna Janelle Mae2292PHI8,5w 10,540,46209,20
121WGMSaduakassova Dinara2423KAZ9,5w 00,36-0,3620-7,20
1317WIMMichelle Catherina P2205IND8s ½0,66-0,1620-3,20