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World Junior (U-20) Chess Championship 2016, India

Last update 21.08.2016 13:07:56, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

Player overview for GEO

19Beradze Irakli2440GEO11½½½0½110001729242410-2,60Open
35WFMCholadze Mariami2077GEO0010½100½1½015,543193720-45,20Girls

Results of the last round for GEO

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
132047IMKrishna Teja NIND22826 0 - 16 Beradze IrakliGEO244019
132446Kakulidis EllenDEN19894 0 - 1 WFMCholadze MariamiGEO207735

Player details for GEO

Beradze Irakli 2440 GEO Rp:2424 Pts. 7
159Fan Huifeng2223CHN5,5w 10,780,22102,20
253Sahoo Utkal Ranjan2266IND6s 10,730,27102,70
32GMXiong Jeffery2633USA10,5w ½0,250,25102,50
468Gandhi Anish2156IND5,5s ½0,84-0,3410-3,40
54Maghsoodloo Parham2576IRI8w ½0,320,18101,80
66IMSvane Rasmus2546GER8,5s 00,36-0,3610-3,60
743FMGrandadam Patrik2325SUI6,5w ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
851FMIvic Velimir2270SRB5,5s 10,720,28102,80
914IMStuder Noel2477SUI6,5w 10,450,55105,50
101GMArtemiev Vladislav2665RUS9,5s 00,22-0,2210-2,20
1130FMXu Yi2371CHN9w 00,60-0,6010-6,00
1236FMRajdeep Sarkar2351IND7s 00,62-0,6210-6,20
1347IMKrishna Teja N2282IND6s 10,710,29102,90
WFM Choladze Mariami 2077 GEO Rp:1937 Pts. 5,5
17WIMStyazhkina Anna2315RUS8w 00,20-0,2020-4,00
252Divya Lakshmi R1864IND5,5s 00,77-0,7720-15,40
355Minaud Emily1721FRA2,5w 10,890,11202,20
419WIMUuriintuya Uurtsaikh2199MGL8,5s 00,33-0,3320-6,60
553Barbier Astrid1853BEL4w ½0,78-0,2820-5,60
651Omurbekova Diana1886KGZ5,5s 10,750,25205,00
721WFMMendoza Shania Mae2191PHI6,5w 00,34-0,3420-6,80
840Thomas Anysia2049FRA5,5s 00,54-0,5420-10,80
934WCMSapale Saloni2080IND5w ½0,500,00200,00
1054Albekova Dilyara1732KAZ5s 10,890,11202,20
1137WFMVisanescu Daria-Ioana2067ROU6s ½0,51-0,0120-0,20
1247Vantika Agrawal1974IND6w 00,64-0,6420-12,80
1346Kakulidis Ellen1989DEN4s 10,620,38207,60