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World Junior (U-20) Chess Championship 2016, India

Last update 21.08.2016 13:07:56, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

Player overview for AUT

25IMMenezes Christoph2408AUT101½1½1½010½½7,5142443106,10Open
29WFMHiebler Laura2110AUT001010½10010½546188620-65,60Girls

Results of the last round for AUT

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
131125IMMenezes ChristophAUT24087 ½ - ½7 Srijit PaulIND221760
132243Hoare Amy BENG20175 ½ - ½ WFMHiebler LauraAUT211029

Player details for AUT

IM Menezes Christoph 2408 AUT Rp:2443 Pts. 7,5
165Papakonstantinou Dimitrios2180GRE6w 10,790,21102,10
22GMXiong Jeffery2633USA10,5s 00,22-0,2210-2,20
351FMIvic Velimir2270SRB5,5w 10,690,31103,10
462Barath Kalyan M2197IND5s ½0,77-0,2710-2,70
536FMRajdeep Sarkar2351IND7w 10,580,42104,20
612GMGagare Shardul2486IND7,5s ½0,390,11101,10
731Yuan Qingyu2366CHN7,5w 10,560,44104,40
86IMSvane Rasmus2546GER8,5s ½0,310,19101,90
937Ivekovic Bozidar2351CRO8w 00,58-0,5810-5,80
103GMAlekseenko Kirill2582RUS7w 10,270,73107,30
117GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.2543IND8s 00,32-0,3210-3,20
1246Arjun Kalyan2292IND7,5s ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
1360Srijit Paul2217IND7,5w ½0,75-0,2510-2,50
WFM Hiebler Laura 2110 AUT Rp:1886 Pts. 5
11WGMSaduakassova Dinara2423KAZ9,5w 00,14-0,1420-2,80
248Du Yuxin1957CHN8s 00,70-0,7020-14,00
354Albekova Dilyara1732KAZ5w 10,910,09201,80
438WFMLeonardi Caterina2061SLO5s 00,57-0,5720-11,40
557Ayinala Shree1464USA4w 10,920,08201,60
645WFMYanjinlkham Bayarsaikhan1990MGL6s 00,66-0,6620-13,20
740Thomas Anysia2049FRA5,5w ½0,58-0,0820-1,60
834WCMSapale Saloni2080IND5s 10,540,46209,20
939WFMGomez Barrera Javiera Belen2055CHI7,5s 00,58-0,5820-11,60
1015Priyanka Nutakki2234IND5,5w 00,33-0,3320-6,60
1155Minaud Emily1721FRA2,5s 10,910,09201,80
1252Divya Lakshmi R1864IND5,5w 00,81-0,8120-16,20
1343Hoare Amy B2017ENG5,5s ½0,63-0,1320-2,60