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21. Havanna Kupa "A" csoport

Last update 13.08.2016 15:45:11, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 5

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Starting rank

1IMPataki Gyozo718610HUN2308
2FMAmrein Roland715689HUN2233
3Molnar Erno14923408SVK2171
4Kovacs Marton724033HUN2156
5Bihercz Gabor725455HUN2146
6Szente Varga Fruzsina712264HUN2131
7Drinoczi Peter733555HUN2114
8Jeszenszky Jozsef753564HUN2100
9Nemeth Gergely711055HUN2097
10Leszko Bence769070HUN2082
11Toviskes Antal729990HUN2028
12Joba Arpad14933047SVK1978
13Juhasz Zoltan765368HUN1974
14Hrubos Viktor774804HUN1837
15Toth Gyorgy769851HUN1811
16Schembera Joerg4638913GER1784
17Jaro Benjamin767948HUN1763
18Olah Laszlo Istvan752266HUN1648
19Varga Miklos775762HUN1624
20Toelg Wolfgang24676950GER1597