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Havanna Kupa "B"csoport 2016

Last update 13.08.2016 15:44:55, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 5

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Starting rank

1Sarmasi Peter775096HUN1829
2Kresz Adam794422HUN1792
3Balazs Andras Dr.740799HUN1757
4Papp Bence788384HUN1716
5Herka Dominik752304HUN1692
6Vigh Andor738360HUN1683
7Dani Ferenc730718HUN1681
8Roessler Manfred12990523GER1680
9Gyori Barnabas741604HUN1665
10Kresz Tamas794430HUN1619
11Polenszki Peter Andras777846HUN1547
12Popovics Agnes782831HUN1526
13Daroczi Donat788376HUN1481
14Szecsei Janos732834HUN1471
15Pelikan Sandor766100HUN1411
16Soltesz Imola780200HUN1297
17Jerant Gyorgy796620HUN0
18Szucs Richard765457HUN0