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European Union Youth Championship - U10

Last update 15.08.2016 10:55:04, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 34

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Starting rank

1Pasti AronHUN1785
2Genov ValentinBUL1713
3Kostov Deyan SamuilBUL1698
4Nastore Pavel-AlexandruROU1689
5Salgovic SimonSVK1579
6Lox Nils NormanGER1480
7Buri PetraHUN1453w
8Liandzbergas MykolasLTU1443
9Grunert WilhelmGER1381
10Jurky MarianSVK1381
11Rejniak ZuzannaPOL1381w
12Sustek AdamSVK1368
13Poluektova ArinaEST1341w
14Mikalauskaite VytauteLTU1305w
15Zass KristapsLAT1302
16Vanduyfhuys IgorBEL1300
17Griksaite IevaLTU1243w
18Kapicakova LuciaSVK1227w
19Rackauskas KarolisLTU1215
20Nespora TatanaCZE1083w
21Aulanko OskariFIN0
22Griksaite EgleLTU0w
23Werner DenisGER0