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2009 Oceanic Zonal Women

Last update 26.06.2009 07:44:18, Creator/Last Upload: Australian Chess Enterprises

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2 
12WIMCaoili ArianneAUS21728182842
21IMBerezina IrinaAUS22527180936
34WFMMaroroa SueNZL18946171731
46Reid VanessAUS18375,5184127
511Anton SarahAUS17185189028
65Guo EmmaAUS18455185028
712Kinder JessicaAUS17085184921
83WCMGao JudyNZL19075160118,5
97Yu SallyAUS18194,5182627
1015Oliver Tamzin LAUS15124,5165924,5
118WFMSmith Vivian JNZL18094,5163821
1216Simmonds LeteishaAUS13304167518,5
1310Russell LuthienAUS17694161321
149WFMFairley NatashaNZL17784154816
1513Tsoi NicoleNZL16483,5168315
1617Byrne Alannah SAUS8293,5162419
1718Vukikomoala HildaFIJ02149212
1814Sukhu GloriaFIJ1550114837

Tie Break1: rating average Of the opponents (variabel With parameters)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break