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34 Andorra Open

Last update 11.08.2016 15:12:42, Creator/Last Upload: Federació d’Escacs Valls d’Andorra

Player overview for HUN

4GMBanusz Tamas2616HUN1110101117410-2,8034 Open
5GMProhaszka Peter2604HUN1½1½1010161810-16,2034 Open
28IMRudolf Anna2247HUN1½1½0011½5,530200,2034 Open

Results of the last round for HUN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMBanusz Tamas26166 1 - 06 IMCollins Sam E.2448
Sanchez Dengra Jose Maria21525 0 - 15 GMProhaszka Peter2604
Cai Chaoruo19615 ½ - ½5 IMRudolf Anna2247

Player details for HUN

GM Banusz Tamas 2616 HUN Rp:2566 Pts. 7
170Cai Chaoruo1961CHN5,5w 1100,80
235Marzano Carlo2199ITA5s 1100,80
317IMAntoli Royo Joaquin Miguel2432ESP6,5w 1102,60
48GMLagarde Maxime2572FRA7s 010-5,60
526FMEden James2320FRA5,5w 1101,50
619FMTrepat Herranz Joan2360ESP5,5s 010-8,10
733Garrido Fernandez Daniel2204ESP5w 1100,80
825FMAdel Lahchaichi Oussama2334ESP6s 1101,60
915IMCollins Sam E.2448IRL6w 1102,80
GM Prohaszka Peter 2604 HUN Rp:2405 Pts. 6
171Kozlowski Thierry1959FRA4s 1100,80
239WIMLlaneza Vega Patricia2158ESP4w ½10-4,20
351Malassagne Raphael2129FRA5,5s 1100,80
428IMRudolf Anna2247HUN5,5w ½10-3,90
536Merenciano Alexandre2197FRA4,5s 1100,80
66GMCori Jorge2601PER7,5w 010-5,00
737Bilquez Romain2183FRA5,5s 1100,80
816IMBarbot Pierre2444FRA6w 010-7,10
941Sanchez Dengra Jose Maria2152ESP5s 1100,80
IM Rudolf Anna 2247 HUN Rp:2243 Pts. 5,5
192Elguezabal Selioutin Dario1780ESP4w 1201,60
263Schmit Vincent2074FRA4s ½20-4,60
361Picart Laurent2084FRA5w 1205,60
45GMProhaszka Peter2604HUN6s ½207,80
510GMGlud Jakob Vang2532DEN6,5w 020-3,20
652Bas Mas Miguel2123ESP6s 020-13,40
757Smith Matthieu2108FRA5s 1206,20
849WFMMonpeurt Cyrielle2136FRA4w 1207,00
970Cai Chaoruo1961CHN5,5s ½20-6,80