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2016 Canadian Youth Chess Championship - Under 18

Last update 09.07.2016 04:35:41, Creator/Last Upload: Rene Preotu

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Starting rank list

1FMSong Michael2613190CAN2470ON
2FMChiku-Ratte Olivier Kenta2614782CAN2459QC
3IMWang Richard2608243CAN2411AB
4CMDoknjas John2608367CAN2239BC
5CMShi Diwen2609886CAN2220AB
6Li Yinshi2617218CAN2216ON
7Nasir Zehn2613239CAN2077ON
8Mathews Jeremy JohnCAN1777ON
9WCMTao Rachel2616300CAN1744ON
10Muntaner Daniel2613824CAN1697ON
11Washimkar Atharva2618303CAN1636ON
12Pobereshnikova Agniya2617501CAN1632ON
13Wang JeffreyCAN1358ON
14Pruthi VijitCAN1125ON
15Bari ZeeshanCAN1027ON
16Mirajkar MohammedCAN791ON