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IV IRT Clasificatorio al Mayor 2016

Last update 28.08.2016 01:53:21, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Del Puerto Rodrigo3701514PAR2181
2CMRoman Rodrigo3701220PAR2046
3Cantero Rodolfo3703762PAR1990
4Alarcon Jose3700836PAR1985
5Bergonzi Osvaldo3700232PAR1966
6Aguero Centurio Abel Alejandr3702820PAR1954
7Pereira Sergio3701530PAR1930
8Gamarra Ramon3700348PAR1925
9Recalde Ariel3700445PAR1918
10Benitez Galeano Alejandro3703568PAR1904
11Heinechen John3700976PAR1897
12Centurion Emilio3703118PAR1886
13Martinez M Catalino3700666PAR1885
14Ramirez Jorge Guillermo3705099PAR1814
15Riva Eric3702553PAR1779
16Ocampos Martin3701026PAR1761
17Benitez Irazusta Eduardo3701948PAR1751
18Cubilla Rodrigo Antonio3703363PAR1744
19Franco Pinanez Miguel A3705170PAR1741
20Riquelme Andres3701115PAR1726
21Saucedo Moises3703436PAR1726
22Gomez Dacak Franklin Paul3703983PAR1702
23Florentin Damaso3700925PAR1684
24Lopez Francisco3702871PAR1680
25Salinas Victor3700941PAR1634
26Sartorio Fernando3702154PAR1596
27Ocampos Luis3705587PAR1534
28Aguero Wilson Martin3705765PAR1532
29Medina Carlos Fermin3704238PAR1506
30Caballero Alcides Maximiliano3703924PAR1505
31Servin Alfredo3704149PAR1489
32Fretes Cesar3700437PAR1480
33Pena Aquino Carlos3704297PAR1407
34Jodorcovsky Paulo Leonardo3705617PAR1388
35Aguero Diego3705757PAR1318
36Jodorcovsky Alejandro David3705625PAR1134
37Gonzalez Baez Elias3706338PAR0