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IRT Final Nacional Sub-18 Femenino 2016

Senast uppdaterad05.07.2016 23:08:33, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Lista över spelare

2WFMSalcedo Jackeline4401913BOG199519951995
8Viveros Erica Johana4416988VAL185518551855
9Toro Castaneda Elizabeht4429559ANT179217921792Club Ajedrez America
6Velasquez Angie Gabriela4431057CUN173617361736
10Cardoso Jaidy Marcela4421426VAL167516751675
4Henao Ortiz Carolina4434773ANT164816481648Club Ajedrez Los Titanes
1Norena Yepez Vanessa4451155ANT156715671567Inder Don Matias
5Cayon Laura Valentina4430840VAL156515651565
7Norena Derly Jiseth4430859VAL155915591559
3WFMDiaz Luisa Fernanda4421434TOL147814781478Talentos Del Mañana