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IRT Final Nacional Sub-18 Absoluto 2016

Last update 05.07.2016 23:05:42, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

1Zapata Arbelaez Estiven4406311ANT210221022102Itagui
9Salcedo Pablo Esteban4419588ANT203520352035Club Paul Keres
7Jimenez Leonardo Andres4411730BOG202820282028
10Oliveros Camilo4449576VAL199019901990
6Zuleta Juan Carlos4416317VAL193919391939
8CMRibero Guillermo Andres4423208BOG190119011901Club Gestion Deportiva
4Perez Lujan Mateo4464010ANT185118511851
5Calero Hector Andres4430930VAL184518451845
2Calderon Zuta Nicolas4428854HUI180118011801
3Santofimio Vega Andres Camilo4428919HUI164016401640