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club de ajedrez la plata tercer abierto sub 1800 de los lunes

Last update 26.07.2016 03:15:30, Creator/Last Upload: Club de Ajedrez La Plata

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Starting rank

1quispe angeloARG1774
2gardes alfredoARG1743
3rivero martinARG1718
4defez marcosARG1663
5rivero marioARG1652
6moroni christianARG1551
7sosa carlosARG1513
8lescano julianARG1376
9battaglia guillermoARG0
10cambriglia francoARG0
11caselli joseARG0
12drobny nestorARG0
13enriquez fabianARG0
14loayza ivanARG0
15martinez francoARG0
16mouly juan cruzARG0
17nomdedeu luisARG0
18nomdedeu patricioARG0
19rodriguez ezequielARG0
20trejo yoelARG0
21veliz lucianoARG0