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23rd Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival Masters Tournament

Last update 29.08.2016 12:39:10, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for UAE

15GMSalem A.R. Saleh2617UAE11½½½11½½6,551012,90Masters
77IMOmar Noaman2377UAE0101010½03,510510-12,50Masters
91FMAlhuwar Jasem2291UAE0½00000000,513020-7,20Masters
133FMKhouri Ahmed Abbas2061UAE000110000212420-3,20Masters
134FMMayed Alrashedi2023UAE000½½10½½31144021,20Masters
135Zayed Ali Al-Hamed2002UAE00010½0½0212520-12,00Masters
137CMAl-Zaabi Sultan1698UAE0100½½0½02,51194068,80Masters

Results of the last round for UAE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAdhiban B.2671 ½ - ½6 GMSalem A.R. Saleh2617
WGMMona Khaled2175 + - - IMOmar Noaman2377
Dimarucut Francis Erwin2172 1 - 0 CMAl-Zaabi Sultan1698
FMMayed Alrashedi2023 ½ - ½ Mohamed Anwar2146
FMAlhuwar Jasem2291½ 0 not paired  
FMKhouri Ahmed Abbas20612 0 not paired  
Zayed Ali Al-Hamed20022 0 not paired  

Player details for UAE

GM Salem A.R. Saleh 2617 UAE Rp:2721 Pts. 6,5
183IMSiva Mahadevan2352IND3,5w 10,820,18101,80
254IMKjartansson Gudmundur2442ISL4s 10,730,27102,70
338IMLy Moulthun2501AUS5,5w ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
434GMMekhitarian Krikor Sevag2550BRA5,5s ½0,59-0,0910-0,90
528GMSengupta Deep2571IND5,5w ½0,56-0,0610-0,60
626GMAzarov Sergei2581BLR6s 10,550,45104,50
74GMFedoseev Vladimir2670RUS5,5w 10,430,57105,70
87GMAmin Bassem2654EGY7w ½0,450,05100,50
93GMAdhiban B.2671IND7s ½0,420,08100,80
IM Omar Noaman 2377 UAE Rp:2252 Pts. 3,5
19GMKuzubov Yuriy2639UKR6s 00,18-0,1810-1,80
2116AGMLakshmi Narayanan M V2155IND3,5w 10,780,22102,20
345IMPuranik Abhimanyu2469IND5s 00,37-0,3710-3,70
4117Manush Shah2151IND3,5w 10,790,21102,10
531GMVaibhav Suri2556IND6s 00,27-0,2710-2,70
6120WFMTarini Goyal2142IND4w 10,790,21102,10
7136Sankalp Gupta1990IND5s 00,91-0,9110-9,10
8102IMMohota Nisha2257IND4w ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
9112WGMMona Khaled2175EGY4,5- 0K
FM Alhuwar Jasem 2291 UAE Pts. 0,5
123GMSavchenko Boris2602RUS6s 00,14-0,1420-2,80
2124Ajay Krishna S2125IND3,5w ½0,72-0,2220-4,40
3132CMSadhwani Raunak2069IND4- 0K
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
FM Khouri Ahmed Abbas 2061 UAE Rp:2056 Pts. 2
165IMSardana Rishi2403AUS4s 00,12-0,1220-2,40
2100FMSrinath Rao S.V.2261IND4w 00,24-0,2420-4,80
3115CMDargan Paul A G2159ENG2,5s 00,37-0,3720-7,40
4119Mohamed Anwar2146SUD2s 10,380,622012,40
5103WGMCalzetta Ruiz Monica2257ESP3w 10,250,752015,00
663WIMDerakhshani Dorsa2405IRI4w 00,12-0,1220-2,40
7108Deshpande Aniruddha2219IND3,5s 00,29-0,2920-5,80
8120WFMTarini Goyal2142IND4s 00,39-0,3920-7,80
9-not paired- --- 0
FM Mayed Alrashedi 2023 UAE Rp:2078 Pts. 3
166IMKrishna C R G2401IND6w 00,09-0,0940-3,60
2101Sidhant Mohapatra2259IND5s 00,20-0,2040-8,00
3111Al Ghamdi Ahmed M2192KSA2,5w 00,28-0,2840-11,20
4129WFMHallaeva Bahar2103TKM3s ½0,390,11404,40
5127FMSaim Mohamed Ilias2109ALG3w ½0,380,12404,80
6103WGMCalzetta Ruiz Monica2257ESP3s 10,210,794031,60
7107Ashwath R.2227IND4,5w 00,24-0,2440-9,60
8123Likhit Chilukuri2133IND3,5s ½0,350,15406,00
9119Mohamed Anwar2146SUD2w ½0,330,17406,80
Zayed Ali Al-Hamed 2002 UAE Rp:1954 Pts. 2
167IMDas Sayantan2399IND4,5s 00,08-0,0820-1,60
2102IMMohota Nisha2257IND4w 00,19-0,1920-3,80
3116AGMLakshmi Narayanan M V2155IND3,5s 00,30-0,3020-6,00
4130Wang Xinyue2092CHN2,5w 10,380,622012,40
588Kulkarni Rakesh2316IND5s 00,14-0,1420-2,80
6129WFMHallaeva Bahar2103TKM3w ½0,360,14202,80
7115CMDargan Paul A G2159ENG2,5s 00,29-0,2920-5,80
8137CMAl-Zaabi Sultan1698UAE2,5s ½0,86-0,3620-7,20
9-not paired- --- 0
CM Al-Zaabi Sultan 1698 UAE Rp:2071 Pts. 2,5
168IMGirish A. Koushik2399IND4w 00,08-0,0840-3,20
2105Rayes Abdul Kader2254SYR4s 10,080,924036,80
370IMRavi Teja S.2387IND5w 00,08-0,0840-3,20
4101Sidhant Mohapatra2259IND5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
5111Al Ghamdi Ahmed M2192KSA2,5w ½0,080,424016,80
698WIMSeverina Maria2262RUS4s ½0,080,424016,80
7110Senthil Maran K2208IND3s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
8135Zayed Ali Al-Hamed2002UAE2w ½0,140,364014,40
9113Dimarucut Francis Erwin2172PHI3,5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20