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I Semifinal Deptal Mayores Absoluto Cundinamarca

Darrera actualització07.06.2016 15:17:14, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1Guerrero Forero Ricardo Alonso4411323COL2162Club Mpal Sopo
2Castillo Ricardo4410823COL1932Club Alfeizer
3Latorre Franklin Leandro4425316COL1916Club Torres Del Zipa
4Palomino Daniel Fernando4418247COL1758Club Mpal Sopo
5Velasquez Angie Gabriela4431057COL1736Club Guecha Ata Quotta
6Segura T Jesus Daniel4413237COL1710Club Talento Cota
7Pinilla Diego4417895COL1702Club Mpal Sopo
8Sanchez Rubiela4423755COL1625Club Torres Del Zipa
9Hernandez Jeronimo4452372COL1573Club Virtual Chess
10Cuellar Canosa Nicolas4453670COL1518Club Torres del Zipa
11Rincon Angela4440471COL1486Club Mpal Sopo
12WCMMogollon Tobar Nicolle Juliet4452194COL1363Club Torre de los Almeidas
13WCMBecerra Fonseca Camila4433289COL1325Club Guecha Ata Quota
14Gonzalez Juan Pablo4417798COL1666Club Mpal Sopo
15Munoz Rafael Antonio4431170COL1632Club Mpal Sopo
16Arevalo Daniel Horacio4467914COL1629Club Mpal Sopo
17Lancheros Lancheros William4442121COL1616Club Escaques
18Abella Jose Miguel4432320COL1601Club Virtual Chess
19Romero Carlos4461932COL1600Club Escaques
20Parra Meza Brayan4459423COL1589Club Mpal Sopo
21Marquez Villamil Lukas4466772COL1460Club Virtual Chess
22Rubiano Gutierrez Karen Ximena4454529COL1423Club Torres de los Almeidas
23Luna Velandia Juan Sebastian4454448COL1366Club Alfeizer
24Cruz Andrea del Pilar4467922COL0Club Mpal Sopo
25Daza Naval Carlos Alberto4467930COL0Club Mpal Sopo
26Forero Arturo4442113COL0Club Escaques
27Garcia Suarez Javier Enrique4467949COL0Club Mpal Sopo
28Mendez Rodriguez Andres David4467957COL0Club Mpal Sopo
29Romero Montenegro Jeisson Felipe4467965COL0Club Mpal Sopo