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Asian Individual Women Chess Championship 2016

Last update 03.06.2016 17:43:02, Creator/Last Upload: Uzbekistan Chess Federation

Player overview for KAZ

5WGMSaduakassova Dinara2415KAZ101½11½1½6,52Women section

Results of the last round for KAZ

Rd.Bo.No.NameBdldRtgPts. ResultPts. NameBdldRtgNo.
925WGMSaduakassova Dinara24156 ½ - ½6 WGMSoumya Swaminathan234610

Player details for KAZ

WGM Saduakassova Dinara 2415 KAZ Rp:2461 Pts. 6,5
122Yuan Ye2171CHN4w 1
216WIMGong Qianyun2293SGP4s 0
326WFMAbdusattorova Bakhora2091UZB5w 1
414WGMGomes Mary Ann2304IND4,5s ½
56IMBatchimeg Tuvshintugs2412MGL4,5w 1
68WGMHejazipour Mitra2349IRI5s 1
715WGMKulkarni Bhakti2296IND7s ½
87WIMTokhirjonova Gulrukhbegim2390UZB5,5w 1
910WGMSoumya Swaminathan2346IND6,5w ½