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Group E - ACO Amateur Chess Championship Kos 2016

Last update 15.05.2016 21:36:19, Creator/Last Upload: Amateur Chess Organization

Player overview for NOR

13Endresen Ola Torstein1546NOR11½½01011651677Group E
33Nygaard Trond1456NOR10100101½4,5201515Group E

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
9513Endresen Ola Torstein15465 1 - 05 Radionov Deni15796
91033Nygaard Trond14564 ½ - ½4 Fostel Guenter,Dr.147425

Player details for NOR

Endresen Ola Torstein 1546 NOR Rp:1677 Pts. 6
131Chadwick Susan E1456ENG4w 1
227Chaix Gerard1466FRA4s 1
31Netz Robin1596GER6w ½
42Chowdhury Sandip1593IND5,5w ½
54Redzisz Michal1588POL8s 0
612Hebenstreit Heinz1547AUT4,5s 1
73Yarur Elsaca Daniel1592CHI5w 0
810Hofer Jill1564SUI4,5s 1
96Radionov Deni1579RUS5w 1
Nygaard Trond 1456 NOR Rp:1515 Pts. 4,5
115Jaussi Rafael1539SUI4,5s 1
22Chowdhury Sandip1593IND5,5w 0
317Vetter Gerhard1530GER3s 1
410Hofer Jill1564SUI4,5s 0
521Klein Volker,Dr.1502GER3w 0
623Petry Joachim1484GER1,5s 1
719Ahmed Aroua1516TUN5w 0
829Goldsmith Jennifer1464ENG4s 1
925Fostel Guenter,Dr.1474AUT4,5w ½