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2016 Capablanca Round Robin B

Last update 02.05.2016 14:27:26, Creator: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 98),Last Upload: Hendrik du Toit

Starting rank list of players

6Pitso Fusi Paulus14301083RSA1952
2Mazo Donald14320789RSA1947
10Hoek Cornelis14307693RSA1944
5Swartz David14323281RSA1943
7Nelson Jaco14300400RSA1926
3Wilken Justin Barend14301431RSA1879
1Mfundisi Sandile14320797RSA1870
9Mandeya Hamilton11001879ZIM1865
8Tshabalala Ernest14318466RSA1863
4Pesa Mofoka A.14304163RSA1846