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Semifinal 1 Nacional Sub-18 Absoluto 2016

Last update 26.04.2016 19:26:06, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Zapata Arbelaez Estiven4406311ANT2102Itagui
2Salcedo Pablo Esteban4419588ANT1990Club Paul Keres
3Echeverry Jose Miguel4427599ANT1796Club Ajedrez Los Titanes
4Lopez Gonzalez Carlos Andres4466080ANT1483Lopezgonzalezcarlosandres@gmai
5De La Asuncion Ortiz Angel Ma4441400ATL1645
6Jinete Morales Jossie Jose4459156ATL1601
7Perez Lujan Mateo4464010ANT1600
8Lopez Guarin Simon4466780ANT0