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Suman Bhomjan Memorial FIDE Rating Chess Tournament (Below 1900)-2016

Last update 24.04.2016 09:40:23, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1Lama Dharam Bahadur12300721NEP1897
2Kuluju Bikash12300918NEP1847
3Dangi Mani Raj12300292NEP1811
4Panta Sumit12312061NEP1762
5Rai Suman12302821NEP1757
6Phuyal Aashish12312649NEP1720
7Shrestha Bibek12306410NEP1692
8Adhikari Shambhu Prasad12314323NEP1689
9Timilsina Bhim Prasad12314412NEP1669
10Karki Sundar12304921NEP1648
11Humagain Navaraj12305740NEP1627
12Dhungel Uttam12306240NEP1616
13Khadka Mahesh12309745NEP1592
14Sigdel Krishna Prasad12308455NEP1516
15Dhungel Gyanendra Raj12314358NEP1429
16Adhikari Asmit12314315NEP0
17Ali Faisal12307777NEP0
18Panthi BaburamNEP0
19Paudel Gobind PrasadNEP0
20Shrestha Bishal Kumar12310336NEP0
21Shrestha Man BahadurNEP0
22Shrestha ManojNEP0
23kandel LaxmiNEP0