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April Lviv Tradition (IM B-group)

Last update 30.04.2016 12:43:46, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

4IMFrolov Artur14100134UKR2458
10IMGolubka Petr14114224UKR2393
5WFMOsmak Iulija14101602UKR2351
7Bogdanov Egor14119137UKR2302
1IMSevostianov Pavel4156781RUS2267
9FMBunyatov Rustam13410210AZE2263
3Wisniewski Michal1159682POL2236
6Rozycki Bartlomiej1106996POL2135
8WFMSliwicka Alicja1150677POL2084
2WFMVasina Olena14124360UKR2080