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April Lviv Tradition (IM A-group)

Last update 01.05.2016 00:09:45, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

7IMShkuran Daniil14106248UKR2425
9IMAnwesh Upadhyaya5028949IND2385
3FMCukrowski Filip1171097POL2346
10WGMBuksa Nataliya14123622UKR2310
6FMPunin Andrii14112639UKR2306
4IMBondarets Vadim903540UKR2292
8Bykovskiy Oleg14129825UKR2251
1Kubicka Anna1152254POL2154
5Winiarski Mikolaj1159984POL2150
2Madsen Michael Ole1407449DEN2036