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Circuito IRT Sub 2200 CXSSP - 2ª Etapa

Last update 16.05.2016 21:32:23, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Oliveira

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Starting rank list

1NMBatista Gerson Peres23682102706BRA21752198
2Pacheco Helcio351182131030BRA21102066
3Domingues Jair Vicente38672108453BRA19982012S65
4Kawagoe Julio Cesar469082198347BRA19641854
5Pimentel Rafael Favarin G.284732118920BRA19631981
6Nascimento Pedro Henrique Alves354642134454BRA18712012
7Bonvini Alberto Tonhati358662136546BRA18711998U14
8Duarte Alexandre Augusto450372189658BRA18561933
9De Lima Mateus Peres469092198339BRA18141818
10De Oliveira Oseas Alves433282178710BRA17011779U18
11Gusmao Rene Fabiano Dos Santo4697322700897BRA16981826
12Nunes Da Silva Diego433592178702BRA16381798U20
13Von Zuben Harrison4744722701559BRA16161821
14Bonvini Adriana Tonhati358672136538BRA15871884U16
15Reis Carlos Alberto Goncalves4746022705252BRA15790
16Paschoa Lazaro Dos Reis4810722701680BRA15580
17Da Rocha Eugenio Gabriel433172178699BRA15441746U18
18Catarino Marcos Henrique4753722701591BRA01800
19Paschoa Brenno David Pereira4754522701672BRA01800U10
20Dos Santos Ivan Vilaca4744422701532BRA01733
21Alves Julio Cesar4803222705279BRA00
22Ferreira Diego Donizete4859522708073BRA00
23Guelere Lucio Henrique Thomas4886222708120BRA00