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Pieniny 2016 - Slovakia tour GM tournament

Last update 25.04.2016 12:57:54, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

4GMMichalik Peter14907526CZE2552
7GMPacher Milan14907445SVK2502
6IMBaumegger Siegfried1602829AUT2475
1IMRepka Christopher14918781SVK2472
8IMKreisl Robert1613880AUT2435
9FMDragnev Valentin1634852AUT2432
2Nayhebaver Martin14923432SVK2424
5GMManik Mikulas14900734SVK2422
10WGMSzczepkowska-Horowska Karina1122681POL2405
3Zvarik Martin14908565SVK2304