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Semifinal 1 Nacional Sub-16 Absoluto 2016

Last update 17.04.2016 20:57:15, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Starting rank list

1FMAvila Pavas Santiago4437128VAL203220322032
2CMMartinez Cristian Camilo4427386VAL198319831983
3Munoz Juan David4412028VAL192919291929
4CMRibero Guillermo Andres4423208BOG183218321832Club Gestion Deportiva
5Leon Gustavo4408420BOG181018101810
6Calderon Zuta Nicolas4428854HUI179817981798
7Salamanca Juan David4427513CAQ178517851785
8Silva Suna Juan Esteban4421728BOY173517351735
9Ballesteros Lora Ruber4441907COR169816981698
10Valenzuela Juan Camilo4427521CAQ159115911591
11Lopez Jose Nicolas4463129COR157515751575
12Nieto Jaime Andres4459806QUI152815281528Pensamiento Del Futuro
13Herrera C. Luis Felipe4443560TOL149314931493
14Gomez Leon Sebastian4436008BOG146814681468Club De Ajedrez Kallpa
15Herrera C. Carlos Stiven4443551TOL136013601360
16Perez Lombana Kevin Esteban4424689TOL131213121312
17Zona Moreno Sergio Julian4466500TOL160001600
18Garcia Barrera Diego Fernando4453689CUN154901549
19Vera Daniel4464273CUN150601506
20Rativa Jimenez Cesar Daniel4437349BOY148901489Club Colegio Boyaca