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2016 PSS Prestige Rapid

Last update 19.05.2016 17:12:04, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 98)

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Starting rank list

1IMMakoto Rodwell0110001202406
2FMKayonde Andrew087002812394
3FMAnwuli Daniel085045802365
4IMJere Daniel087002492357
5IMMwali Chitumbo087002652328
6IMPhiri Richmond087004432323
7IMOatlhotse Providence0113005072295
8Ovcina Dennis0143004602214
9Simutowe Musatwe087003892152
10Mnguni Jacob Dumisani0143209082150
11Mosetlhe Kgaugelo0143016102150
12Kaulule Siame Kela087017092147
13Hercules Benjamin Vincent0143019382128
14Mthunzi Brighton0143110542092
15Zitha Ll0143011722085
16Mwale Joseph0164001352076
17Van Der Westhuizen Willem0143094082066
18FMOberholzer Francois0143022502061
19FMDe Abreu Roberto N0143074722060
20Skosana Stephen K.0143042602039
21CMJurgensen Graham0143007882023
22CMKolver Chris0143078201991
23Nene Themba0143067601962
24Dyakuseni Peacemaker0110006001802
25Swartz David183037083143232811943
26Mpya Tshediso M0143084521941
27WIMTlale Tshepang0143045031927w
28Nelson Jaco0143004001926
29Wilken Justin Barend0143014311879
30Fakude Hopewell0143185121866
31Nkosi Dumisa Jacob0143149161841
32Parodi Alessandro08228092043
33Xulu Lindokuhle191043337143206651790
34Molebatsi Teboho0143083980