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16th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2016

Last update 18.04.2016 08:40:49, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

Player overview for NOR

25IMStokke Kjetil2354NOR1110½1½½16,5132401108,20Open
113Khachatourian Yerazik1981NOR010½½0111586196120-6,00Open
172Lie Terje1584NOR0001010103176143520-9,20Open

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypFEDRtg No.
Griffiths Paul VENG2175 0 - 1 IMStokke KjetilNOR2354
Khachatourian YerazikNOR19814 1 - 04 Zulkipli ZaidanMAS2132
Yutithamnon SurapoleTHA19363 1 - 03 Lie TerjeNOR1584

Player details for NOR

IM Stokke Kjetil 2354 NOR Rp:2401 Pts. 6,5
1124Yutithamnon Surapole1936THA4s 1100,80
283FMJones Lee2088AUS4w 1101,80
397Sahil Tickoo2031IND4s 1101,30
410GMSunilduth Lyna Narayanan2501IND7w 010-3,00
555Li Yankai2206CHN5,5s ½10-2,00
653FMPitirotjirathon Jirapak2218THA5w 1103,20
716IMLiang Awonder2410USA6s ½100,80
88GMHalkias Stelios2553GRE6w ½102,60
961Griffiths Paul V2175ENG5,5s 1102,70
Khachatourian Yerazik 1981 NOR Rp:1961 Pts. 5
114IMSipila Vilka2440FIN7s 020-1,60
2171Khan Akbar1605ENG3,5w 1201,80
338FMTeerapabpaisit Wisuwat2264THA5w 020-3,20
4161Trinkl Andreas1764GER2,5s ½20-5,60
5159Day Christopher1777CAN3w ½20-5,20
6153Likhit Chilukuri1803IND5s 020-14,60
7169WCMAtthaworadej Worasuda1645THA3w 1202,40
8143Liekens Ronny1829BEL3s 1206,00
973Zulkipli Zaidan2132MAS4w 12014,00
Lie Terje 1584 NOR Rp:1435 Pts. 3
173Zulkipli Zaidan2132MAS4s 020-1,60
2112Brunner Karl1993SUI3,5w 020-1,60
3193Rieker Hans-Werner0GER2,5s 0
4183Nihaya Ahmed1171MDV2s 1201,60
5119Hutzheimer Alfred1955AUT4,5w 020-2,00
6192Promsutthiphan Meanthadar0THA1w 1
7136Frost Peter1854AUS4s 020-3,40
8198Zaura Abdulla0MDV2w 1
9124Yutithamnon Surapole1936THA4s 020-2,20