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Durham Open 2016

Last update 17.04.2016 18:51:57, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank list

1GMHawkins Jonathan412686ENG2594ncl Cheddleton
2FMWalker David J400882ENG2184ncl North East England
3FMStorey Charles H406686ENG216Jesmond
4FMWall Tim P401641ENG203Forest Hall
5Waters Clive L407330ENG201Tynemouth
6Addison Bret C408107ENG196
7Coathup Roger H407062ENG193Morpeth
8Henderson David430021ENG191Tynemouth
9Izod Chris429716ENG183Jesmond
10Armbruster David470007ENG181Peterlee
11Zhang Zheming430757ENG180Jesmond
12Dalton Joseph427713ENG178Jesmond
13Garnett John S410829ENG176Stockton
14Gazis George4215346GRE176Durham City
15Palucha Szymon430005ENG176Durham City
16Bielby Paul R429864ENG171Jesmond
17Riding Mick D430102ENG169Tynemouth
18Hall David G2402394SCO159Scotland
19Snook-Lumb Chris438766ENG152Swindon