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XXI IRT da Academia Potiguar de Xadrez - STD

Last update 18.04.2016 22:11:55, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

Starting rank list of players

4De Oliveira Lucas Matheus A F423432191768BRA17991812
6Frankental David399992175061BRA17861882
9Oliveira Jr Antonio Fernandes260852115581BRA17781828
7Da Silva Karina Ingryd Olivei417212194350BRA01726
10Da Silva Igor Fernandes470842198843BRA17221800
2De Araujo Antonio Jose383162146223BRA16641722
5De Lima Jr Francisco Biagioni4730622702741BRA16261838
3De Menezes Ricardo Fagner Dia460162192926BRA15991757
8Marques Dayvid Geverson Lopes437882184745BRA15591800
1De Lima Enzo Magalhaes4790422705287BRA13861800