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European Individual Women's Chess Championship

Last update 07.06.2016 22:09:11, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

Player overview for BLR

21IMZiaziulkina Nastassia2396BLR1½½½½½½½½005682340
82WGMStetsko Lanita2220BLR01010½½0½½½4,5892152

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
WFMCosman Andreea-Marioara21014 ½ - ½4 WGMStetsko Lanita2220
IMZiaziulkina Nastassia23965 0 not paired  

Player details for BLR

IM Ziaziulkina Nastassia 2396 BLR Rp:2340 Pts. 5
177WIMDrozdova Dina2235RUS5,5w 1
256WIMStyazhkina Anna2302RUS6,5s ½
352WIMZaksaite Salomeja2312LTU6w ½
454WIMTomilova Elena2305RUS6s ½
550WGMHoolt Sarah2312GER6,5w ½
644IMOvod Evgenija2329RUS5,5s ½
748WFMKiolbasa Oliwia2319POL6w ½
855FMPustovoitova Daria2304RUS5s ½
968WGMMamedjarova Turkan2257AZE5,5w ½
10-not paired- --- 0
11-not paired- --- 0
WGM Stetsko Lanita 2220 BLR Rp:2152 Pts. 4,5
126GMArakhamia-Grant Ketevan2364SCO7w 0
2111Milak Adela1677GER1s 1
343WGMNikolova Adriana2331BUL6s 0
453IMGvetadze Sofio2311GEO4w 1
555FMPustovoitova Daria2304RUS5s 0
660IMGalojan Lilit2296ARM5w ½
763WGMBuksa Nataliya2288UKR4,5s ½
837WGMMirzoeva Elmira2344RUS5w 0
9102WFMSazonova Anastasia2085RUS3,5s ½
1064IMSedina Elena2287ITA4w ½
11101WFMCosman Andreea-Marioara2101ROU4,5s ½