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I FAX Grandes Mestres do Xadrez Boris Vasilievich Spassky FIDE133599 CBX3181/16

Last update 11.04.2016 14:44:25, Creator/Last Upload: Federação Amazonense de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1CMDa Paz Leonardo Gadelha2109743BRA2041
2Da Silva Mikhail Zoltan Iwanon2133032BRA1939
3CMGutierrez Enrique Alberto Soto2137755BRA1873
4Farias Igor Borge Cardoso2133164BRA1854
5Leite Thales Ferreira2166186BRA1663
6Farias Sergio Luiz Cardoso2110148BRA1647
7Souza Lael Alexandre2139707BRA1646
8Rodrigues Franca Carlos Alberto2198274BRA1575
9Rodolpho Filho Joao2159783BRA1429
10de Souza Etemberg MonteiroBRA1839
11 Freire da Silva Lucivaldo2167700BRA1772
12Pessoa de Oiveira Ian MarceloBRA1765
13Da Vasconcelos Ivan AzevedoBRA1697
14Dantas Caetano MeloBRA1670
15Fernandes Emanuelly NobregaBRA1616
16Almeida Nunes Lucas RobertoBRA0
17Costa Adriane AraujoBRA0
18Guimaraes Souza Marcelus IvoBRA0
19Novo Lima Mateus CostaBRA0
20Novo Lima Miguel CostaBRA0
21Nunes Cunha Joao ViniciusBRA0
22Padilha Gabriel AndreattaBRA0
23Piscopo Diego MouraBRA0
24Rosemberg Lima RobertoBRA0