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Ukraine Boys Under 16 Chess Championship 2016 (Vinnytsia)

Last update 28.04.2016 12:50:13, Creator/Last Upload: Nikolay Bodnar

Starting rank list of players

3FMMatviishen Viktor14129850UKR2347
1Yanichkin Artur14132460UKR2188
11Yurovskich Oleksandr14134020UKR2179
9Volotovsky Kirill14151634UKR2178
12Lukiyanchuk Vladislav14127113UKR2122
7Roshka Yevgeniy14129558UKR2085
5Shakhov Mykhailo14134012UKR2066
6Usatenko Maxim14142392UKR2048
10Medvedyk Vasyl14137143UKR2029
2Lisnyak Vladislav14136880UKR2025
8Kukelko Alexey14153084UKR1934
4Dzyuban Alexey14129620UKR1910