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Abierto Ajedrez Standar Semana Santa 2016 Bucaramanga, marzo 19 al 21

Last update 21.03.2016 22:13:59, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Moreno Vega Jose Miguel4445988SAN2020
2Marquez Benjamin4412826SAN2003
3Guerrero Gabriel4424344SAN1971
4Gonzalez Delgado Hugo Andres4440013SAN1858
5Salazar Arias Martin4424441SAN1629
6Campos Mejia Manuel Rolando4457013SAN1622
7Rodriguez Munoz Luis H.SAN1615
8Rueda Plata AlvaroSAN1603
9Rincon Fadul Jorge Alberto4412796SAN1592
10Fajardo Benitez Valentina4454863SAN1581
11Cardenas Briceno Eloy4427696SAN1568
12Ramirez Diaz Jan4442741SAN1556
13Campos Gomez Manuel4444710SAN1524
14Santos Martinez Samuel MauricSAN1287
15Barona Sanchez HeiderSAN0
16Duarte Mesa Yina MarcelaSAN0
17Marin Orozco Juan CamiloSAN0
18Moreno Florez DanielSAN0
19Numa Vega Diego AlejandroSAN0
20Ortiz Vargas Carlos FernandoSAN0
21Rojas Torres Nicolle KatherineSAN0
22Santana Sepulveda Sergio AntonioSAN0
23Reyes Mantilla Andres MauriciSAN1334
24Velandia Perez Hannah IsabellSAN1277
25Velandia Rodriguez John FreddSAN1617
26Parra Ojeda Yesid AlfredoSAN1597