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2016 Brijlal Open - Intermediate

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.03.2016 04:35:45, Creator/Last Upload: Fiji Chess Federation

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1Fareed Meshan11400560FIJ0
2Jeet ManishaFIJ0
3Jeet Ravinesh11401443FIJ0
4Koroi Auston11400340FIJ0
5Kumar SandeepFIJ0
6Leong Phillip11401303FIJ0
7Masilomani Jacquelyn11400358FIJ0
8Mika ErielFIJ0
9Mohr Jordan David11401605FIJ0
10Natu TaobaFIJ0
11Prasad Mahir11400706FIJ0
12Prasad Mayur11400714FIJ0
13Prasad Tanvi11401117FIJ0
14Ravunawa AkuilaFIJ0
15Senewiratne Vinooda11400536FIJ0
16Terubea QuirosFIJ0
17Vukikomoala Semisi11400862FIJ0