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IRT Selectivo Distrital de Mayores 2016

Darrera actualització21.03.2016 19:26:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1IMGutierrez Herrera Jose Antoni4400100COL2224
2Nieto Guillermo Luigui Ubald4409604COL2172La Florida
3FMVargas Mauricio4404572COL2146
4Nieto Manuel Valerio Waldo4409612COL2136La Florida
5Ceron Juan Carlos4432142COL2106
6Bejarano Dany Andres4401700COL2041
7Garcia Engels Vladimir4409566COL1908
8Leal Cortes Diego Fernando4415027COL1903
9Pena Fernando4401573COL1893
10Aguilar Hernando4420713COL1889
11Angel Antonio4410033COL1868
12CMCastaneda Victor4415140COL1839
13Herrera Wilene4418441COL1760
14Rubio Melo Hugo Arturo4410777COL1757
15Cruz Beltran Andres Euclides4427335COL1733
16Castro Munoz Andres Felipe4454219COL1692
17Aldana Boris Eugenio4423577COL1659
18Ortega Rosendo4440714COL1529
19Gomez Helena4425243COL1705
20Rodriguez Ortiz PatriciaCOL0