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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2016 U18G & U20G

Last update 30.03.2016 16:53:09, Creator/Last Upload: Karin Louw

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Starting rank list

1WFMFebruary Jesse Nikki14312336ENM1882
2WCMFisher Michelle M14307553WP1708
3WCMMarx Inge14306271GJM1678
4Fritz Kaylyn14305410WP1524
5Brits Leandra14318474GJM1514
6WCMKolver Michelle14307839GTP1510
7WFMWoolf Charne14318253WP1465
8De Koster Wilna14317079SED1395
9Fritz Tegan14309890WP1383
10Schoeman Anja14321211GJM1375
11De Kock Lene14318482NWP1322
12Steyn Alicia14311232GTP1285
13Mullah HamimaWP1160
14Raubenheimer Lize14321203NWP1139
15Philander UnathiWP1122
16Acho PetraFS1092
17Badenhorst Mandie14321238NWP1072
18Pillay Kiandra14316803SWD996
19Minnaar JohaneFS913
20Malotana IviweEBC870
21Nuwegeldt LioneciaWB849
22Swart MelanieWB827
23Alexander SuedeneWB805
24Nuwegeld LucritiaWB755
25Venter Carlia14321297SED0