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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2016 U10G

Last update 26.03.2016 09:57:29, Creator/Last Upload: Karin Louw

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Starting rank list

1WCMDatharam AartiKZN1232
2De Villiers AnriGTP1220
3WCMAhjum SavannahNC1116
4Manthata MokgadiLCP1035
5Millard CharlotteKZN1015
6WCMIsmail ImaanGTP1011
7Du Toit EvaneLCP1008
8Schoeman SaneGTP986
9WCMBrugman LisaWP980
10Fitton NitaGJM924
11Malapela TumishoLCP890
12Bruintjies HaileyENM884
13Qangule MandibongeEBC855
14Neels ShannonWB847
15De Beer MignonneGJM819
16Naude NiaNBR796
17Claassen CarliWP795
18Stokes JodyWB770
19Dheda BiancaWP767
20Pelser Jean-MarieGTP745
21Steyn ZurikaGE692
22Jaap IsabellaWB664
23Terblanche AnnikaGE557