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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2016 U10B

Last update 26.03.2016 10:32:44, Creator/Last Upload: Karin Louw

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Starting rank

1CMVather ShayurGTP1312
2CMKotze ChristiaanFS1280
3Mostert GertGJM1267
4Van Schaik MigaelWP1201
5CMWebber EthanWP1192
6Mokgehle KhayalethuLCP1191
7Stuurman NeoGTP1151
8Meyer EwaldMNW1140
9CMVan Wyngaard ZanderWP1134
10Nkosi DickenMEM1107
11Lagardien IsmaeelENM1102
12Thakersee AkshayWP1102
13Petronio AlessandroENM1076
14Moollajee RehaanWP1053
15Huisamen BothaSED1034
16Van Heerden JoshuaMEM1021
17Collier ZacharyGE1017
18Palmer ReeganWP999
19Conradie DanielWP997
20Wolfaard StephanNC963
21Peter NeathanENM958
22Delport BenGTP925
23Bester EthanGJM872
24Aldum RoccoGE751
25Van Straaten MatthysNWP669