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Estonian U14 Girls Blitz Championship 2016

Last update 12.03.2016 13:44:06, Creator/Last Upload: Eesti Maleliit

Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1234567891011Pts. TB1 
1Olde Grete1754EST*1111111111104
2Liiv Kristiina1635EST0*11111011183
3Sild Marta Pauliine1539EST00*0111110161
4Sade Carolina1593EST001*½0011+15,51,5
5Kerem Karolin1617EST000½*1110115,50,5
6Hirvi Katariina1354EST00010*100+141
Jõerand Jenna1401EST000100*01+141
Värton Eva1569EST0100011*10041
Kuznetsova Valeria1442EST00001100*1141
10Kolõškova Valeria1574EST001-0--10*131
11Liiv Karoliina1452EST0000000100*10

Tie Break1: Koya Tie-Break