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LIVE: Almenn heimasíða hjá fyrireikarum... FM 2016
9. Umfar byrjar kl. 11:00

FM'16 Landslidsbolkur

Last update 26.03.2016 18:11:36, Creator/Last Upload: IA Mogens Nielsen

Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameRtgIPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rpnwwew-weKrtg+/-
12FMNIELSEN Rogvi Egilstoft23047,530,2506242297,56,251,252025
27FMSAMUELSEN Carl Eli Nolsoe22145,524,2503223995,55,140,36207,2
310FMSIMONSEN Hans Kristian21335,520,2505224895,54,081,422028,4
41FMNIELSEN Hogni Egilstoft2316520,75032191956,39-1,3920-27,8
55EYDSTEINSSON Silas2006519,00042225952,522,482049,6
64FMPOULSEN Martin22344,517,0004215794,55,40-0,9020-18
76THORSTEINSSON Sjurdur2201415,25022117944,94-0,9420-18,8
88NIELSEN Torkil21633,514,5002208593,54,47-0,9720-19,4
99VANG Finnbjorn20952,59,2501200692,53,60-1,1020-22
103SOLSKER Tummas M.197829,00001965922,21-0,2120-4,2

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories