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Homenaje al MN Benigno Rivarola Sub 2000

Last update 26.02.2016 19:27:58, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

4Recalde Ariel3700445PAR1929
2Benitez Galeano Alejandro3703568PAR1910
1Cantero Rodolfo3703762PAR1856
7Espinoza C Enrique E3700607PAR1794
10Aguero Centurio Abel Alejandr3702820PAR1745
3Lipiniks Leonardo3700127PAR1742
8Lugo Manuel3703371PAR1664
9Salinas Victor3700941PAR1643
6Mayeregger Arnold3705226PAR1466
5De La Vega Ricardo3704491PAR1441