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Aeroflot Open 2016 A

Last update 09.03.2016 20:12:36, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for UKR

4GMKorobov Anton2713UKR1½½½010014,539Open A
12GMMoiseenko Alexander2668UKR1001½11015,520Open A
61GMSivuk Vitaly2554UKR0½½001010380Open A
70GMGasanov Eldar2503UKR½00½1½0½0377Open A

Results of the last round for UKR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
91412GMMoiseenko Alexander2668 1 - 0 GMWen Yang260936
92672WGMLei Tingjie24954 0 - 1 GMKorobov Anton27134
93621GMAnton Guijarro David26413 1 - 03 GMGasanov Eldar250370
93857GMMaiorov Nikita25583 1 - 03 GMSivuk Vitaly255461

Player details for UKR

GM Korobov Anton 2713 UKR Rp:2588 Pts. 4,5
147GMKunin Vitaly2584GER4w 1
229GMKhismatullin Denis2621RUS4s ½
352GMGoganov Aleksey2575RUS5w ½
433GMCordova Emilio2610PER3,5s ½
535GMBachmann Axel2609PAR5,5w 0
648GMDemchenko Anton2583RUS4,5s 1
737GMJumabayev Rinat2607KAZ5,5w 0
839GMBluebaum Matthias2605GER5s 0
972WGMLei Tingjie2495CHN4s 1
GM Moiseenko Alexander 2668 UKR Rp:2661 Pts. 5,5
155GMOparin Grigoriy2572RUS4,5w 1
238GMPetrosian Tigran L.2607ARM5s 0
353GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2573RUS3,5w 0
477IMShen Yang2466CHN3,5s 1
551GMSandipan Chanda2577IND4,5w ½
647GMKunin Vitaly2584GER4s 1
733GMCordova Emilio2610PER3,5w 1
825GMDubov Daniil2634RUS6s 0
936GMWen Yang2609CHN4,5w 1
GM Sivuk Vitaly 2554 UKR Rp:2367 Pts. 3
118GMZvjaginsev Vadim2662RUS6s 0
285IMKaravade Eesha2395IND3,5w ½
376FMIgonin Temur2470UZB3,5s ½
448GMDemchenko Anton2583RUS4,5w 0
580IMLorparizangeneh Shahin2449IRI4s 0
686CMErigaisi Arjun2379IND2w 1
771IMYuffa Daniil2502RUS3,5s 0
883IMSarana Alexey2433RUS3w 1
957GMMaiorov Nikita2558BLR4s 0
GM Gasanov Eldar 2503 UKR Rp:2442 Pts. 3
127GMBartel Mateusz2625POL6w ½
231GMSalem A.R. Saleh2615UAE5s 0
39GMJobava Baadur2676GEO5w 0
481IMWang Yiye2445CHN3s ½
585IMKaravade Eesha2395IND3,5s 1
645GMSocko Bartosz2587POL4,5w ½
756GMKovalev Vladislav2560BLR4,5s 0
857GMMaiorov Nikita2558BLR4w ½
921GMAnton Guijarro David2641ESP4s 0