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Aeroflot Open 2016 A

Last update 09.03.2016 20:12:36, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for PER

33GMCordova Emilio2610PER½1½½010003,568Open A

Results of the last round for PER

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
92855GMOparin Grigoriy2572 1 - 0 GMCordova Emilio261033

Player details for PER

GM Cordova Emilio 2610 PER Rp:2505 Pts. 3,5
176FMIgonin Temur2470UZB3,5s ½
274GMDebashis Das2471IND2,5w 1
314GMSwiercz Dariusz2665POL4,5s ½
44GMKorobov Anton2713UKR4,5w ½
510GMArtemiev Vladislav2674RUS5s 0
664GMShyam Sundar M.2523IND4,5w 1
712GMMoiseenko Alexander2668UKR5,5s 0
868GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.2506IND4,5w 0
955GMOparin Grigoriy2572RUS4,5s 0