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Aeroflot Open 2016 A

Last update 09.03.2016 20:12:36, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for PAR

35GMBachmann Axel2609PAR½1½½1½0½15,516Open A

Results of the last round for PAR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
91935GMBachmann Axel2609 1 - 0 GMDragun Kamil259443

Player details for PAR

GM Bachmann Axel 2609 PAR Rp:2702 Pts. 5,5
178IMKovalevskaya Ekaterina2462RUS3s ½
276FMIgonin Temur2470UZB3,5w 1
318GMZvjaginsev Vadim2662RUS6s ½
414GMSwiercz Dariusz2665POL4,5w ½
54GMKorobov Anton2713UKR4,5s 1
620GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2650RUS5,5w ½
715GMFedoseev Vladimir2664RUS6w 0
83GMWei Yi2714CHN5s ½
943GMDragun Kamil2594POL4,5w 1