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Aeroflot Open 2016 A

Last update 09.03.2016 20:12:36, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for GER

39GMBluebaum Matthias2605GER1½½010½1½521Open A
47GMKunin Vitaly2584GER0½1½½001½458Open A
49GMWagner Dennis2583GER½½½½0½½½03,565Open A
58GMBindrich Falko2557GER½½001½1½0462Open A

Results of the last round for GER

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
9128GMVallejo Pons Francisco2677 ½ - ½ GMBluebaum Matthias260539
92058GMBindrich Falko25574 0 - 14 GMJobava Baadur26769
93065Xu Yinglun2518 ½ - ½ GMKunin Vitaly258447
93264GMShyam Sundar M.2523 1 - 0 GMWagner Dennis258349

Player details for GER

GM Bluebaum Matthias 2605 GER Rp:2651 Pts. 5
182FMEsipenko Andrey2445RUS4,5s 1
214GMSwiercz Dariusz2665POL4,5w ½
322GMGrachev Boris2639RUS5s ½
420GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2650RUS5,5w 0
584IMMartirosyan Haik M.2425ARM5s 1
623GMSasikiran Krishnan2637IND5,5w 0
728GMKhalifman Alexander2624RUS4,5s ½
84GMKorobov Anton2713UKR4,5w 1
98GMVallejo Pons Francisco2677ESP5s ½
GM Kunin Vitaly 2584 GER Rp:2493 Pts. 4
14GMKorobov Anton2713UKR4,5s 0
272WGMLei Tingjie2495CHN4w ½
374GMDebashis Das2471IND2,5s 1
484IMMartirosyan Haik M.2425ARM5w ½
564GMShyam Sundar M.2523IND4,5s ½
612GMMoiseenko Alexander2668UKR5,5w 0
768GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.2506IND4,5s 0
866WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2509RUS3,5w 1
965Xu Yinglun2518CHN4s ½
GM Wagner Dennis 2583 GER Rp:2519 Pts. 3,5
16GMMatlakov Maxim2682RUS6s ½
22GMBu Xiangzhi2724CHN5,5w ½
310GMArtemiev Vladislav2674RUS5s ½
43GMWei Yi2714CHN5s ½
517GMSafarli Eltaj2663AZE5w 0
672WGMLei Tingjie2495CHN4w ½
776FMIgonin Temur2470UZB3,5s ½
880IMLorparizangeneh Shahin2449IRI4w ½
964GMShyam Sundar M.2523IND4,5s 0
GM Bindrich Falko 2557 GER Rp:2529 Pts. 4
115GMFedoseev Vladimir2664RUS6w ½
217GMSafarli Eltaj2663AZE5s ½
311GMKamsky Gata2673USA6w 0
476FMIgonin Temur2470UZB3,5s 0
579IMKorchmar Vasiliy2450RUS2,5w 1
677IMShen Yang2466CHN3,5s ½
775IMSwayams Mishra2470IND2,5w 1
830GMLu Shanglei2620CHN4,5s ½
99GMJobava Baadur2676GEO5w 0