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Aeroflot Open 2016 A

Last update 09.03.2016 20:12:36, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for ARM

24GMHovhannisyan Robert2636ARM10½110½½½536Open A
38GMPetrosian Tigran L.2607ARM1100½½1½½531Open A
84IMMartirosyan Haik M.2425ARM1½0½0½11½533Open A

Results of the last round for ARM

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
91038GMPetrosian Tigran L.2607 ½ - ½ GMWei Yi27143
91824GMHovhannisyan Robert2636 ½ - ½ IMMartirosyan Haik M.242584

Player details for ARM

GM Hovhannisyan Robert 2636 ARM Rp:2606 Pts. 5
167Predke Alexandr2508RUS5,5w 1
252GMGoganov Aleksey2575RUS5s 0
355GMOparin Grigoriy2572RUS4,5w ½
462GMPichot Alan2542ARG3,5s 1
553GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2573RUS3,5w 1
66GMMatlakov Maxim2682RUS6s 0
743GMDragun Kamil2594POL4,5w ½
844GMTimofeev Artyom2593RUS5s ½
984IMMartirosyan Haik M.2425ARM5w ½
GM Petrosian Tigran L. 2607 ARM Rp:2638 Pts. 5
181IMWang Yiye2445CHN3w 1
212GMMoiseenko Alexander2668UKR5,5w 1
316GMNajer Evgeniy2664RUS6,5s 0
413GMSjugirov Sanan2667RUS6s 0
565Xu Yinglun2518CHN4w ½
659GMVan Foreest Jorden2557NED5s ½
782FMEsipenko Andrey2445RUS4,5w 1
810GMArtemiev Vladislav2674RUS5s ½
93GMWei Yi2714CHN5w ½
IM Martirosyan Haik M. 2425 ARM Rp:2614 Pts. 5
141GMAzarov Sergei2599BLR4,5w 1
21GMGelfand Boris2735ISR6,5s ½
325GMDubov Daniil2634RUS6w 0
447GMKunin Vitaly2584GER4s ½
539GMBluebaum Matthias2605GER5w 0
669IMPourramezanali Amirreza2506IRI3,5s ½
755GMOparin Grigoriy2572RUS4,5- 1K
832GMBok Benjamin2611NED4,5w 1
924GMHovhannisyan Robert2636ARM5s ½