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Nordic Youth Championship 2016 Group A

Last update 21.02.2016 18:49:30, Creator/Last Upload: Växjö Schackklubb

Player overview for NOR

1IMChristiansen Johan-Sebastian23802371NOR11111161Group A
9Holleland Sigve20921998NOR½½10½13,55Group A
2FMHaug Johannes22482234NOR11011152Group B
7Gronn Eskil Ekeland19711955NOR010½012,57Group B
6Nielsen Andre19531902NOR10½0113,54Group C
8Huse Sigurd Kjelsbol18731660NOR½000112,59Group C
5Sjoberg Isak18731598NOR10½1002,57Group D
7Mansoor Afras17951554NOR0½10102,59Group D
2Kran Ole-Christian Bakken16141335NOR1½½0½13,56Group E
4Tenold Andreas15411271NOR10110143Group E

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Nielsen Viktor2189 0 - 15 IMChristiansen Johan-Sebastian2380
Thogersen Rasmus21412 0 - 1 Holleland Sigve2092
FMHaug Johannes22484 1 - 03 Hardlei Johan2013
Gronn Eskil Ekeland1971 1 - 0 Poranen Niko1745
Skaale Janus14802 0 - 1 Nielsen Andre1953
Huse Sigurd Kjelsbol1873 1 - 01 Micalizio Tiziano Wul1660
Bjerre Jonas24244 1 - 0 Sjoberg Isak1873
Sorensen Hampus1940 1 - 0 Mansoor Afras1795
ACMSorensen Marius Boss1277 0 - 13 Tenold Andreas1541
Wernberg Hugo14912 0 - 1 Kran Ole-Christian Bakken1614

Player details for NOR

IM Christiansen Johan-Sebastian 2380 NOR Rp:3004 Pts. 6
17Thogersen Rasmus21412161DEN2w 1
24FMJohannesson Oliver21982212ISL3s 1
32FMNielsen Hogni Egilstoft23402267FAI3w 1
43FMRagnarsson Dagur22192189ISL2,5s 1
58Tuomainen Felix21392113SWE3,5w 1
66Nielsen Viktor21892118DEN3,5s 1
Holleland Sigve 2092 NOR Rp:2175 Pts. 3,5
13FMRagnarsson Dagur22192189ISL2,5s ½
25Valkama Eero21912181FIN3,5w ½
312Bernhard Jonathan18191781SWE0,5s 1
48Tuomainen Felix21392113SWE3,5w 0
54FMJohannesson Oliver21982212ISL3w ½
67Thogersen Rasmus21412161DEN2s 1
FM Haug Johannes 2248 NOR Rp:2334 Pts. 5
18Berglind Axel19121972SWE2,5w 1
25Thorhallsson Simon21572007ISL3,5s 1
31FMThybo Jesper Sondergaard22992264DEN5,5w 0
44Jogstad Martin21752016SWE3s 1
59Salmelin Aaro18081983FIN2s 1
66Hardlei Johan20131903DEN3w 1
Gronn Eskil Ekeland 1971 NOR Rp:1792 Pts. 2,5
11FMThybo Jesper Sondergaard22992264DEN5,5w 0
212Bertholdsen Bjarki14071199FAI1,5s 1
35Thorhallsson Simon21572007ISL3,5w 0
411Finnsson Eli W.14721387FAI2,5s ½
56Hardlei Johan20131903DEN3s 0
610Poranen Niko17451683FIN1,5w 1
Nielsen Andre 1953 NOR Rp:1905 Pts. 3,5
112Weihe Ragnar14581345FAI0,5w 1
23Keinanen Toivo21782188FIN5s 0
31Pantzar Milton22522225SWE4,5w ½
45Kistrup Nicolai20582035DEN5s 0
510Micalizio Tiziano Wul16601534DEN1w 1
611Skaale Janus14801621FAI2s 1
Huse Sigurd Kjelsbol 1873 NOR Rp:1797 Pts. 2,5
12Hallman Valo21802127FIN3,5s ½
24Heimisson Hilmir Freyr20881980ISL3w 0
39Davidsdottir Nansy18081610ISL2,5s 0
47Cramling Bellon Anna19281895SWE3w 0
512Weihe Ragnar14581345FAI0,5s 1
610Micalizio Tiziano Wul16601534DEN1w 1
Sjoberg Isak 1873 NOR Rp:1839 Pts. 2,5
111Mai Alexander Oliver14801349ISL2,5s 1
22FMOlsen Filip Boe21852141DEN5w 0
39Palttala Niko16481448FIN3s ½
47Mansoor Afras17951554NOR2,5w 1
56Sandberg Philip18441727SWE3,5s 0
61Bjerre Jonas24242231DEN5s 0
Mansoor Afras 1795 NOR Rp:1688 Pts. 2,5
11Bjerre Jonas24242231DEN5w 0
210Fjallheim Leif Reinert15991455FAI1s ½
312Nielsen Suni I Horni11561108FAI0,5w 1
45Sjoberg Isak18731598NOR2,5s 0
511Mai Alexander Oliver14801349ISL2,5w 1
64Sorensen Hampus19401930SWE3,5s 0
Kran Ole-Christian Bakken 1614 NOR Rp:1539 Pts. 3,5
18Karhula Adam01417FIN0w 1
23Jaakkola Konsta01551FIN3,5s ½
31Davidsson Oskar Vikingur16551608ISL5w ½
411ACMSorensen Marius Boss12771079DEN3,5s 0
55Luu Robert15021426ISL4w ½
66Wernberg Hugo14911446SWE2s 1
Tenold Andreas 1541 NOR Rp:1592 Pts. 4
110Lindholm Gustav01310SWE2,5w 1
21Davidsson Oskar Vikingur16551608ISL5s 0
37Liu Casper15191442DEN2,5w 1
46Wernberg Hugo14911446SWE2s 1
53Jaakkola Konsta01551FIN3,5w 0
611ACMSorensen Marius Boss12771079DEN3,5s 1