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Karpos Open 2016

Last update 07.04.2016 15:29:39, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

Player overview for TKM

29IMAnnaberdiev Meilis2460TKM1111½010½6192495106,50

Results of the last round for TKM

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMDanchevski OrceMKD2366 ½ - ½ IMAnnaberdiev MeilisTKM2460

Player details for TKM

IM Annaberdiev Meilis 2460 TKM Rp:2495 Pts. 6
1134Aydin Hasan Bora1941TUR4w 10,920,08100,80
280FMTica Sven2193CRO5s 10,820,18101,80
362Gokerkan Cem Kaan2295TUR6w 10,720,28102,80
416GMKovacevic Aleksandar2520SRB6s 10,420,58105,80
52GMMarkus Robert2651SRB7w ½0,250,25102,50
613GMDvirnyy Danyyil2555ITA7s 00,37-0,3710-3,70
797Polatel Ali2106TUR5,5w 10,890,11101,10
89GMSaric Ante2587CRO7w 00,33-0,3310-3,30
947IMDanchevski Orce2366MKD6s ½0,63-0,1310-1,30